Lame Car Business

1 06 2010

So my car got towed last night. I fell victim to my own selective blindness and only saw a green sign by the car park saying COME IN TWO HOUR PARKING 7AM TIL 4PM and then I thought well thats just jolly nice. Then I got back hours later to discover the red sgn behind it saying 4PM – 7PM TOW AWAY ZONE. And coincidently, my car was nowhere to be seen. Was rather horribly embarrassed as I had offered to give a friend a lift home, but a nice dude saw we were a bit flustered and confused and gave us advice on how to go about getting the car back and who to call etc. I call dad, he actually thinks its kind of funny and says he’ll help with the fine. Phew.

To the bus! We say, wandering forth to find the 411. We arrive at 9:16pm and of course it has departed at 9:15pm and the following bus doesnt come until 10:15. Knew I shouldnt have stopped for that Mcflurry. I then proceed to call up a good friend and am praying that he isn’t already curled up in bed and therefore far more difficult to sway. He isn’t, and we have a confirmed lift. Hallelujah for gay fiances and their lovely wonderment and motor vehicles. Have offered to bake him a most tremendous cake. Fortunately I am all for giving lifts to others because I know this sort of shit will happen to me and want to know I can call in favours.

10 mins later I’m home safe, albeit a little crabby at the difficult week and my own stupidity. Part with two good friends. I go inside, find my bed, and tell the world drearily I’ll be up at 5am to catch public transport to work, but know deep down I’ll be all “fuck that” and sleep til 5:30 where I shall call a cab and avoid the bus and the train and 2km uphill walk at 6am in the rain. Work shift number 1 finishes at 11am so shall proceed to catch public transport to Albion to collect my beautiful Hyundai Getz (named Kanye) from a car yard where he is no doubt frightened and confused in a strange place. 200 dollars later I shall drive him homeward where I’ll nap, eat a sandwich, then go back to work out at logan, which I’ll be thanking Jebus I had the car for.

What happened, Brisbane city council? You used to be cool, man.

Just kidding. You were never cool.



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